Do you like your Job

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Today it was a historic day

Today it was part of history for the HFO project , finally the long awaited lifting and one of the critical movements happened the Pipe Bridge one was lifted and placed successfully in it is place

After waiting for the last hours of agony for the Lifting to take place and after Jojo John has
finally sanctioned the permit for lifting the Pipe Bridge one was lifted using a 220 ton crane

in about 40 minutes the ordeal was done and pipe bridge was in it place safe and sound as if it
was there for ever.

to tell the truth this was critical part of the Job knowing that the lifting took place over

Live gas pipeline , which supplies the Natural gas in it's liquid form for the rest of the world

So we were so lucky to have done flawlessly , But the problem now will be the Pipe bridge which

far longer and It will be also critical cause It will be lifted above live gas pipelines .

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loves life , adores beauty , and always on the run